Employer Questions - What Can You Do For Me?

​This is the second in my series of Employer Questions that are asked when looking at your résumé. Make sure you check out the first post which answers the question “Who are you?”

Employer Questions - What Can You Do For Me?

Mar 24, 2015

This is the second in my series of Employer Questions that are asked when looking at your résumé. Make sure you check out the first post which answers the question “Who are you?

This is the spot in your résumé where you can really catch the eye of a potential employer. The better you are able to fill an employer’s need, the more apt they are to bring you in for an interview and hire you to fill the position. Make sure you research the position. Look at the job description that is posted, but also try to find out what the goals of the company are and see where your skill set aligns with both the job and the company goals.

What Can You Do For Me?

As an employer looking at your résumé, I want to know exactly what you are going to be able to do to help my business in the short term and in the long term. A career summary statement is a good place to start this conversation but indicating, at a high level, some things you have done in the past that would benefit the company

If you have experience developing business in a new market and the company is looking to expand into new markets, that is a great alignment. There could be a need to bring business units back to profitability which happens to be something you excel at!

Even if you don’t know the specifics of what the company needs, some basic research should lead you to some information you can use to guide you in terms of what they need from a new employee.

Don’t forget to check out the rest of the series
